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Updates a Portfolio under the Scenario with {scenarioId}.


Path Parameters

    scenarioId stringrequired

    The scenario's id

    portfolioId stringrequired

    The asset's id


    currency stringrequired

    The currency of the portfolio. Valid currency code ISO-4217 from the list of supported currencies.

    description string

    Description of the resource.

    fees doublerequired

    The annual fees.

    id string

    The id of the resource.

    name string

    The name of the resource.

    profile string

    The risk profile of the portfolio.

    properties object

    Properties of the resource.

    property name* object

    Properties of the resource.

    value numberrequired

    The value of the portfolio.

    wrapper stringrequired

    The tax wrapper of the portfolio.



    currency stringrequired

    The currency of the portfolio. Valid currency code ISO-4217 from the list of supported currencies.

    description string

    Description of the resource.

    fees doublerequired

    The annual fees.

    id string

    The id of the resource.

    name string

    The name of the resource.

    profile string

    The risk profile of the portfolio.

    properties object

    Properties of the resource.

    property name* object

    Properties of the resource.

    value numberrequired

    The value of the portfolio.

    wrapper stringrequired

    The tax wrapper of the portfolio.
